Clearing Your Roof!

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Have you cleared your roof off of snow yet?

During the winter season here in Michigan, it's important to keep up with snow removal on your driveway as well as your roof. We all use our driveway everyday so we're conscientious of removing the snow from it but, the roof sometimes goes unnoticed until it's too late. Overtime all the snow on your roof puts pressure and stress on your roof and could eventually damage the overall structure as well as cause the build up of icicles.

Be sure to clean off your roof regularly this winter season or have us here at The Repairman service/clean it for you. It's just another one of our professional services we proudly provide to all of our customers and we'd be more then happy to do it for you. Contact us today to schedule an appointment to have your roof cleaned of snow!

Steve, the repairman we got was great! He was putting down baseboards. We had a plumbing emergency. He fixed that and back to baseboards! We love the service you offer! Thank you!

Deb T

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