Middleville and Hastings! We are now in your area!

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Middleville and Hastings! We are now in your area!

Over the years we continually expand our service area and add more and more locations that we'll send our techs out to. It's just another part of what makes The Repairman services special and convenient for you to use. Our techs are ready to service your home and use their years of experience to help you create a comfortable and efficient living space. We are your number one choice for professional repairs in West Michigan and the surrounding areas.

If you have any type of handyman work at your home or business from small plumbing, electrical repairs, drywall, trim work, door replacement, to you name it, contact us to get it done.

Jerry was great. Very polite and professional! He did a great job. Jerry kept me up to date on what was going on.

Marc H

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